Thursday, October 25, 2012

[Microsoft] Before opening a case, try FixIt Center Pro and see how it can save you time… and money !

 has published a very very usefull link on Technet : Before opening a case, try FixIt Center Pro !

You’re probably asking yourself… What is FixIt Center Pro (FICP)? How is it going to save me time?
These are GREAT question you ask! Well Microsoft is always looking for ways to improve the customer experience through innovation of its products. This is also true with regards to the tools we use on a day to day bases that helps us troubleshoot issues. So let us explain how FICP can help you save time by getting an automated root cause analysis and be your new best friend before opening a case with Microsoft Commercial Technical Support (CTS).

For many years, Microsoft Commercial Technical Support (CTS) would always ask customers to run a data gathering tool called Microsoft Product Support (MPS) Report Tool and manually go through analyzing the files collected one at a time. This is a very tedious job and it’s prone to human error, because we can all look at logs and interpret them differently. As a result, we could potentially miss critical data that can lead to a false root cause analysis.

Now we are providing you a NEW and improved automated tool called the Microsoft Support Diagnostics Tools (MSDT) Analysis Packages which is our replacement for the old MPS Report Tool. These new MSDT Analysis Packages are broken down by technology, using Windows Diagnostics Infrastructure (WDI) framework to collect logs and configuration data from a workstation or server for further analysis.  Then the MSDT Analysis Packages get uploaded to the FICP website that leverages a Unified Diagnostics Ecosystem (UDE). This UDE engine automates and standardizes on support issues reported to Microsoft, then provides a more unified and comprehensive root cause analysis with Recommended Solution steps to complete.

In the past, in order for customers to use MSDT Analysis Package you would have an open case with Microsoft so they could send you an email with a link to download the package.  However now, customers can choose to download any individual stand-alone MSDT Analysis Package by using our technology via Microsoft FixIt Center Pro (FICP) from the following URL link below:

By going directly to FICP, customers don’t need to have open cases Microsoft in order to use this automated tool. 

Only requirement is to have a valid Microsoft account.

For more information and to see screenshots click >>>>> HERE <<<<

Keywords: Operations Manager, SCOM, System Center, System Center Operations Manager, Troubleshooting, FixIt Center Pro, Microsoft, Support, FICP, Microsoft Case, OpsMgr, OpsMgr 2007 R2, OpsMgr 2012, 2012, 2007, MSDT, Premier Support, UDE, Microsoft Support Diagnostics Tool, Unified Diagnostics Ecosystem, MPS Reports, Toolbox, Toolkit, Tools,

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

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