Wednesday, December 19, 2012

[OpsMgr 2012] Reports are not populated in the System Center 2012 Operations Manager Reporting Pane

Reports are not populated in the System Center 2012 Operations Manager Reporting Pane



Reports do not populate in the System Center 2012 Operations Manager Reporting Pane, or Report data does not seem to be updating.


This can occur if the Data Warehouse Synchronization server entry is deleted.


To confirm this issue in the Operations Console, go to the Monitoring View and click on discovered inventory. Then change the Target type to Data Warehouse Synchronization server by completing the following:

1. Click Change Target Type on the right-hand task pane of the Operations Console
2. In the dialog that opens select View all targets
3. Locate and select Data Warehouse Synchronization Server in the list
4. Click OK

If this returns blank you are experiencing this issue.

To resolve the issue run the script below:

Note: You will have to edit the script and enter the Operations Manager Database server name, Data Warehouse servername and console path in the script . This is a PowerShell script which needs to copied to text and rename to .ps1 after entering the required information to run under PowerShell.


#Populate these fields with Operational Database and Data Warehouse Information

#Note: change these values appropriately
$OperationalDbSqlServerInstance = "<OpsMgrDB server instance. If its default instance, only server name is required>"
$OperationalDbDatabaseName = "OperationsManager"
$DataWarehouseSqlServerInstance = "<OpsMgrDW server instance. If its default instance, only server name is required>"
$DataWarehouseDatabaseName = "OperationsManagerDW"

$ConsoleDirectory = "<OpsMgr Console Location by default it will be C:\Program Files\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Console"


$dataWarehouseClass = get-SCOMClass -name:Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse
$seviewerClass = get-SCOMClass -name:Microsoft.SystemCenter.OpsMgrDB.AppMonitoring
$advisorClass = get-SCOMClass -name:Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.AppMonitoring

$dwInstance = $dataWarehouseClass | Get-SCOMClassInstance
$seviewerInstance = $seviewerClass | Get-SCOMClassInstance
$advisorInstance = $advisorClass | Get-SCOMClassInstance

#Update the singleton property values
$dwInstance.Item($dataWarehouseClass.Item("MainDatabaseServerName")).Value = $DataWarehouseSqlServerInstance
$dwInstance.Item($dataWarehouseClass.Item("MainDatabaseName")).Value = $DataWarehouseDatabaseName

$seviewerInstance.Item($seviewerClass.item("MainDatabaseServerName")).Value = $OperationalDbSqlServerInstance
$seviewerInstance.Item($seviewerClass.item("MainDatabaseName")).Value = $OperationalDbDatabaseName

$advisorInstance.Item($advisorClass.item("MainDatabaseServerName")).Value = $DataWarehouseSqlServerInstance
$advisorInstance.Item($advisorClass.item("MainDatabaseName")).Value = $DataWarehouseDatabaseName

$dataWarehouseSynchronizationServiceClass = get-SCOMClass -name:Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouseSynchronizationService
#$dataWarehouseSynchronizationServiceInstance = $dataWarehouseSynchronizationServiceClass | Get-SCOMClassInstance

$mg = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroup -ArgumentList localhost
$dataWarehouseSynchronizationServiceInstance = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.CreatableEnterpriseManagementObject -ArgumentList $mg,$dataWarehouseSynchronizationServiceClass

$dataWarehouseSynchronizationServiceInstance.Item($dataWarehouseSynchronizationServiceClass.Item("Id")).Value = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()

#Add the properties to discovery data
$discoveryData = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ConnectorFramework.IncrementalDiscoveryData


#$connector = Get-ScomConnector -name:"Operations Manager Internal Connector"
$momConnectorId = New-Object System.Guid("7431E155-3D9E-4724-895E-C03BA951A352")
$connector = $mg.ConnectorFramework.GetConnector($momConnectorId)


#Update Global Settings. Needs to be done with PS V1 cmdlets
Add-pssnapin microsoft.enterprisemanagement.operationsmanager.client

cd $ConsoleDirectory


Set-DefaultSetting ManagementGroup\DataWarehouse\DataWarehouseDatabaseName $DataWarehouseDatabaseName
Set-DefaultSetting ManagementGroup\DataWarehouse\DataWarehouseServerName $DataWarehouseSqlServerInstance


More information

If the script completes successfully you should see a message like below:

PS C:\> .\AddDWInstance.ps1

Name  : ManagementGroup\DataWarehouse\DataWarehouseDatabaseName
Value : OperationsManagerDW
Name  : ManagementGroup\DataWarehouse\DataWarehouseServerName
Value : scsqlv
Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained herein is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use
for other considerations.


Article ID: 2771934 - Last Review: October 23, 2012 - Revision: 1.0
Applies to
  • Microsoft System Center 2012 Operations Manager

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

[OpsMgr 2012] Support Diagnostique Tool 3 - System Center 2012 Operations Manager Diagnostic

System Center 2012 Operations Manager Diagnostic

The System Center Operations Manager Diagnostics is designed to collect information to help troubleshoot most Operations Manager 2012 problems.

More information

This article describes the information that may be collected from a machine when running the System Center 2012 Operations Manager Diagnostics.

This diagnostic package should only be run on a management server in the System Center 2012 Operations Manager management group. It will not provide diagnostic results if it is run on an agent managed machine.

Information Collected

Operating System Information
Collapse this tableExpand this table
DescriptionFile Name
SystemInfo.exe Output{ComputerName}_SysInfo.txt
TaskList.exe Output{ComputerName}_TaskList.txt
Status of All Services{ComputerName}_Services.txt
Resultant Set of Policy Information –
txt and htm formats
Installed Updates and Hotfixes –
csv, htm, and txt formats
MSInfo32 Output{ComputerName}_MSInfo.nfo
Operating System Information

Event Logs
Collapse this tableExpand this
DescriptionFile Name
Application Log – csv, evtx, and
txt formats
System – csv, evtx, and txt
Operations Manager –
csv, evtx, and txt formats

Operations Manager Management Group Information
Collapse this tableExpand this table
DescriptionFile Name
Management Group
Active Alert Information –
csv and txt format
Event Collection Information–
csv and txt format
Installed Server Roles{ComputerName}_OpsMgrStatus.txt
Operational database grooming Settings{ComputerName}_OperationsManagerDB_GroomingSettings.txt

Operations Manager SQL Database Information
Collapse this tableExpand this table
DescriptionFile Name
Output of SP_WHO2{ComputerName}_sp_who2.txt
Output of DBCC SHOW
Table sizes for tables in the
Operational database
Table sizes for tables in the
Data Warehouse database
Database Role members –
csv and txt format
{ComputerName}_DB Role Members.*
Output of __MOMManagement
GroupInfo__ Table
*SQL Server information is collected remotely from the Management Server from which the SDP manifest is executed.

Operations Manager Logs
Collapse this tableExpand this table
DescriptionFile Name
APM Provider LogTracingGuidsAPM.log
Data Access Provider logTracingGuidsBID.log
Resource Pool Failover Provider logTracingGuidsFailover.log
Managed Code Provider logTracingGuidsManaged.log
Native Health Service Provider logTracingGuidsNative.log
Script Provider tracing logTracingGuidsScript.log
Operations Manager UI provider logTracingGuidsUI.log

KB 973559 - Frequently asked questions about the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) for Windows 7  (
Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained herein is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use
for other considerations.


Article ID: 2793256 - Last Review: December 13, 2012 - Revision: 3.0
Applies to
  • Microsoft System Center 2012 Operations Manager

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

[Ebooks] Some new ebooks have been published for Windows Server 2012

New book: Training Guide: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012

Book cover for 9780735673106We’re happy to announce the availability of Training Guide: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 (ISBN 9780735673106)! Written by Mitch Tulloch, this book helps enterprise administrators build their skills in the area of deploying and managing Windows Server 2012 core services. Readers develop their real-world skills and maximize their on-the-job performance via the book’s many lessons, exercises, and suggested practices. In addition, readers can use this Training Guide as a learning resource, along with on-the-job experience, to help them prepare for the 70-410 exam.
Purchase your copy today here or here.
In today’s post, please enjoy an excerpt from Chapter 6, “Network administration.”
Chapter 6
Network administration
The network is the foundation of an organization’s information system and allows computers and other devices to communicate with each other and with the Internet. Network services such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers and Domain Name System (DNS) servers simplify the configuration and management of IP address information and network names. To adequately fulfill these roles, such services must be available for clients that need them and secure from attack.
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 includes enhancements to the DHCP Server and DNS Server roles that can help increase DHCP availability and safeguard DNS name resolution from being compromised or misused. Windows Server 2012 also includes added support for managing different aspects of Windows Server–based networks using Windows PowerShell. This chapter demonstrates how to implement these new capabilities to ensure the availability and security of these critical network services and to manage Windows Server–based networks more efficiently. In addition, this lesson also describes how to configure Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) networking and interoperability between IPv6 and IPv4.

RTM’d today: Exam Ref 70-410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012

imageWe’re pleased to announce that Exam Ref 70-410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012, by Craig Zacker, has shipped to the printer.
Prepare for Microsoft® Exam 70-410—and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of implementing and configuring Windows
Server 2012 core services. Designed for experienced IT professionals ready to advance their status, Exam Ref focuses on the critical-thinking
and decision-making acumen needed for success at the MCSA level.
Organized by exam objectives, and featuring challenging, what-if scenarios, this Exam Ref focuses on the knowledge  and skills needed to
implement and configure Windows Server 2012 core services in an enterprise environment.
You can preorder the book from here and here.
You can download a couple of sample chapters here.

CHAPTER 1 Installing and configuring servers
CHAPTER 2 Configure server roles and features
CHAPTER 3 Configure Hyper-V
CHAPTER 4 Deploying and configuring core network services
CHAPTER 5 Install and administer Active Directory
CHAPTER 6 Create and manage Group Policy

New book: Exam Ref 70-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012

imageWe’re happy to announce that Exam Ref 70-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 (ISBN 9780735673045) by JC Mackin, is now available for purchase.
Please refer to the table of contents from this previous post.
You can buy the book from here and here.

A sample from Chapter 7:
Configure a network policy server infrastructure

Network Access Protection (NAP), as you know, is a Windows Server feature that
enforces health requirements on client computers as they attempt to connect to a
company network. These health requirements can relate to the status of software updates,
of antivirus protection, of host firewall status, or of spyware protection. NAP was first introduced
in Windows Server 2008.

Although NAP doesn’t include any significant new features in Windows Server 2012, one
important new feature, System Health Validator (SHV) Multi-configuration, appeared in
Windows Server 2008 R2. This new feature falls within the one NAP objective listed for the
70-417 exam, Configure Network Access Protection.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

[OpsMgr 2007 R2][OpsMgr 2012] Lync Server 2013 Monitoring Management Pack

Lync Server 2013 Monitoring Management Pack

Version:5.0.8308.0Date published:12/8/2012

Files in this download

The links in this section correspond to files available for this download. Download the files appropriate for you.
File nameSize
LS2013ManagementPacks.msi1.4 MBDownload
Lync Server 2013 Management Pack Guide.doc467 KBDownload
WatcherNode.msi908 KBDownload


Lync Server 2013 Management Packs contain comprehensive monitoring tools including: • End-to-End scenario availability from various locations. • Call reliability and quality perceived by real users. • Component health and performance. Active Monitoring Management pack • Geographically distributable end-to-end scenario validation for Lync Server 2010 and Lync Server 2013 deployments. This includes coverage for internal, remote and branch office users. • Increased scenario coverage in areas like AV Edge Connectivity and Exchange Unified Message Connectivity. • Enhanced troubleshooting logs to streamline root cause analysis of failures. Component and User Management pack • Increased reliability monitoring of real end user calls and conferences. • Integrated media quality alerts driven from Quality of Experience (QoE) data reported by client applications. • Full event and performance monitoring for all Lync 2013 roles.

System requirements

Supported operating systems: Windows Server 2008 R2
• Operating Systems: Windows Server® R2 (64-bit) and Windows Server 2012 (64-bit). • System Center Operations Manager: System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 and System Center Operations Manager 2012; 64-bit agents only.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

[OpsMgr 2007 R2] Windows Server Print Server Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2

This management pack monitors the performance and availability of the Print Server role running on various Windows Server operating systems.

Version:6.0.7004.0Date published:12/8/2012

Files in this download

The links in this section correspond to files available for this download. Download the files appropriate for you.
File nameSize
OM2007_MP_PrintSvr.doc382 KBDownload
System Center Management Pack
for Windows Print Server.msi
760 KBDownload


The Microsoft Windows Server Print Server Management Pack monitors the performance and availability of print servers running on Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012. In addition to monitoring the health of print servers, the management pack can also provide insight into the status of shared printers. By detecting, alerting on, and automatically responding to critical events and performance indicators, this management pack helps indicate, correct, and prevent possible operating system service outages.

Feature Summary
The management pack provides functionality to:
  • Monitor performance and Windows events
  • Display detailed monitoring data through views
  • Allow operator to manage print servers
  • Ensure correct configurations

Release History
  • 6/1/2007 - Original release of the English version, version 6.0.5000.0
  • 3/18/2008 - Updated release, version 6.0.5000.36
  • 8/25/2008 - Updated release to add support for Windows Server 2008, version 6.0.6392.0
  • 12/07/2012 - Updated release to add support for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012, version 6.0.7004.0

System requirements

Supported operating systems: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012

  • Other Software: System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

    Thursday, December 6, 2012

    [OpsMgr 2007R2][Opsmgr 2012] Alert Report in powershell script

    Samuel Dubrul has posted an interesting powershell script to have a SCOM daily alert report. His script summarizes:
    • Total number of alerts that occurred yesterday
    This can indicate if there are a lot of monitors that are flip flopping
    • The number of active alerts (total, critical, warning, informational)
    This should always be as low as possible
    • A sorted list of the “yesterday” alerts based on number of occurences and Name
    These are the alerts on which you should start to work pro-actively , especially if the count is high.
    • A sorted list of the current critical alerts, perhaps the most urgent ones to work on  

    I've modified the script to be able to use it a a function ( see my post on Powershell Profile) you can add to your profile and added some functionnalities. In parameter you can define what number of day before today you want the report to start and also specify a duration...

    A new sorted list has beed added : a Top 10 of alerts sorted by repeatcount  

    Here is the new script : To be SCOM 2012 compliant, just replace get-alert by get-scomalert

    1. Function AlertReport ([int] $DayBack,[int] $Duration) {
    2. If ($DayBack -eq ""){$DayBack = 1}
    3. If ($Duration -eq ""){$Duration = $DayBack}
    4. #Get between dates Yesterday
    5. $AlertDateBegin = [DateTime]::Today.AddDays(-$DayBack)
    6. $SecondsToAdd = $Duration * 86399
    7. $AlertDateEnd = [DateTime]::Today.AddDays(-$DayBack).AddSeconds($SecondsToAdd)
    8. write-host "***********************************************************************" -foregroundcolor "Green"
    9. write-host "ALERT REPORT:"      -foregroundcolor "Green"
    10. write-host ""      -foregroundcolor "Green"
    11. write-host "START DATE: $AlertDateBegin - END DATE: $AlertDateEnd" -foregroundcolor "Green"
    12. write-host "***********************************************************************" -foregroundcolor "Green"
    13. #Get yesterday alerts
    14. $LastdayAlerts = @(get-alert | where {$_.TimeRaised -gt $AlertDateBegin -and $_.TimeRaised -lt $AlertDateEnd})
    15. #write the output
    16. write-host
    17. write-host NUMBER OF ACTIVE ALERTS : ($LastdayAlerts).Count
    18. write-host
    19. write-host CURRENT NUMBER OF ACTIVE ALL           ALERTS: @(get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -ne '255'}).count
    20. write-host CURRENT NUMBER OF ACTIVE CRITICAL      ALERTS: @(get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -ne '255' -and $_.Severity -eq '2'}).count  -foregroundcolor "red"
    21. write-host CURRENT NUMBER OF ACTIVE WARNING       ALERTS: @(get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -ne '255' -and $_.Severity -eq '1'}).count  -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    22. write-host CURRENT NUMBER OF ACTIVE INFORMATIONAL ALERTS: @(get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -ne '255' -and $_.Severity -eq '0'}).count
    23. write-host
    24. write-host
    26. #list and sort yesterday alerts
    27. $LastdayAlerts | Group-Object Name |Sort -desc Count | select-Object Count, Name |Format-Table –auto -wrap
    28. write-host
    30. #list top noisiest alerts
    31. $LastdayAlerts | Sort -desc RepeatCount | select-object -first 10 Name, RepeatCount, MonitoringObjectPath |Format-Table –auto | Out-String -Width 4096

    32. #list and sort current active alerts
    33. write-host CURRENT ACTIVE CRITICAL ALERT LIST:  -foregroundcolor "red"
    34. (get-alert | where {$_.ResolutionState -ne '255' -and $_.Severity -eq '2'} | Group-Object Name |Sort -desc Count | select-Object Count, Name |Format-Table –auto -wrap)

    35. }
    3 ways to use the AlertReport Function :
    • First one, just execute the AlertReport with no parameter : this will give you a summary for the last past day.
    • Execute AlertReport with one [int] parameter: this will generate a report for the [Int] last past days

    • Execute AlertReport with 2 [int] parameters (for example AlertReport  3 2) : this will generate a report that start 3 days before today for a duration equals to 2 days.
    Hope these modification will help some of you ! :)
    Don't forget to use the reporting instead of using powershell script... you'll free one SDK connection !

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.