With no access to SCOM console, I didn't find an easy way to do it and I also decided to proceed with a powershell script.
Here are the command line I've written to export all product knowledge for rules and monitors for a specific MP. Create a PS1 file named ExportKnowledgeArticleFromAMP.ps1 and copy paste the command line from this post and go down and click download to get the PS1 file.
Usage a this script needs 2 parameters : MP name and Path to create files.
.\ExportKnowledgeArticleFromAMP.ps1 "Microsoft.Windows.Server.PrintServer.2012" "C:\Temp"
- param([string]$MPName, [string]$Path)
- # Script to export all product knowledge for rule and monitor for a specified MP
- # usage : .\ExportKnowledgeArticleFromAMP.ps1 "Microsoft.Windows.Server.PrintServer.2012" "C:\Temp"
- function MamlToHTML($MAMLText)
- {
- $HTMLText = "";
- $HTMLText = $MAMLText -replace('xmlns:maml="http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10"');
- $HTMLText = $HTMLText -replace("maml:para","p");
- $HTMLText = $HTMLText -replace("maml:");
- $HTMLText = $HTMLText -replace("</section>");
- $HTMLText = $HTMLText -replace("<section>");
- $HTMLText = $HTMLText -replace("<section >");
- $HTMLText = $HTMLText -replace("<title>","<h2>");
- $HTMLText = $HTMLText -replace("</title>","</h2>");
- $HTMLText = $HTMLText -replace("<listitem>","<li>");
- $HTMLText = $HTMLText -replace("</listitem>","</li>");
- $HTMLText = "<html><body>" + $HTMLText + "</body></html>";
- $HTMLText;
- }
- # Mainline
- # Clear the screen.
- cls;
- # Get US Culture information.
- $ciUS = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]'en-US';
- # Retrieve the Management Pack.
- $mps = get-managementpack
- $mp = $mps | ? { $_.Name -eq $MPName}
- $FolderName = $MPName + " - " + $mp.version
- # Create Folder
- New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Path\$FolderName
- # Retrieve the Management Pack rules and monitors.
- $rules = $mp.getrules()
- $monitors = $mp.getmonitors()
- cls
- # Retrieve the knowledge Article for rules.
- $i = 1
- $j = 1
- foreach ($rule in $rules) {
- $article = $rule.GetKnowledgeArticle($ciUS);
- if ($article -ne $Null)
- {
- if ($article.MamlContent -ne $Null)
- {
- $article_text = $article.MamlContent;
- $article_text = MamlToHTML($article_text);
- }
- write-host "Outputing HTML...";
- if ($rule.DisplayName -ne "")
- {
- $RuleName = "Rule - " + [string]$i + " - " + [string]$rule.DisplayName
- }
- else
- {
- $RuleName = "Rule - " + [string]$i + " - " + [string]$rule.Name
- }
- # < > : " / \ | ? * removal
- $RuleName
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace('<','lower than')
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace('>','Greater than')
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace('/','')
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace('|','')
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace('\','')
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace('!','')
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace('?','')
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace('*','')
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace(':','')
- $RuleName = $RuleName.replace(';','')
- $ExportFile = $Path + "\" + $FolderName + "\" + $RuleName + ".htm";
- $article_text.tostring() | out-file $ExportFile
- $i = $i + 1
- }
- }
- # Retrieve the knowledge Article for monitors.
- foreach ($monitor in $monitors) {
- $article = $monitor.GetKnowledgeArticle($ciUS);
- if ($article -ne $Null)
- {
- if ($article.MamlContent -ne $Null)
- {
- $article_text = $article.MamlContent;
- $article_text = MamlToHTML($article_text);
- }
- write-host "Outputing HTML...";
- if ($monitor.DisplayName -ne "")
- {
- $MonitorName = "Monitor - " + [string]$j + " - " + [string]$monitor.DisplayName
- }
- else
- {
- $MonitorName = "Monitor - " + [string]$j + " - " + [string]$monitor.Name
- }
- # < > : " / \ | ? * removal
- $MonitorName
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace('<','lower than')
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace('>','Greater than')
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace('/','')
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace('|','')
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace('\','')
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace('!','')
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace('?','')
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace('*','')
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace(':','')
- $MonitorName = $MonitorName.replace(';','')
- $ExportFile = $Path + "\" + $FolderName + "\" + $MonitorName + ".htm";
- $ExportFile
- $article_text.tostring() | out-file $ExportFile
- $j = $j + 1
- }
- }
Note :
- The script sometimes return errors on some monitors or rules - I guess the conversion to HTML is failing - but in that case, the impact is that the HTML file is not created for that rule/monitor.
- The script can be easily adapted of courses to run on OpsMgr 2012.
Here is a link where you can download my script : ExportKnowledgeArticleFromAMP.ps1
I'll publish a page on my blog >>>> HERE <<<< with all the product knowledge for all the provided MP I've in my environment.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.
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