Thursday, June 21, 2012

[Orchestrator 2012] Importing Integration Packs via PowerShell

Here is a link to a post from that explain the different possibilities given by COM. They also expose how to import Integration Packs by using a PowerShell Script.

Around the office, we have more and more internal teams that are latching on to Orchestrator and wanting to use it for building all sorts of integrations and automations, but one of the things that comes up from time to time is how to get the ability to have some sort of complete installation process that doesn’t require a separate step for installing Integration Packs or runbooks. In this case, enabling the automatic registering and deployment of an Integration Pack would really enable a streamlined installation process.
Note from the legal dept: The process described here is not officially supported by Microsoft and are provided only as an example to the community.
Neither I nor Microsoft, nor any other person, animal, vegetable or mineral assumes responsibility for the process demonstrated here. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Here are links to the previous parts of the “COM” series:

And here is the direct link to the post 

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

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