Tuesday, January 31, 2012

[SCOM 2007 R2] Authoring Console ask for Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library version 6.1.7221.61 for editing a MP

Article ID: 2590414 - Last Review: November 14, 2011 - Revision: 3.0
KB only applicable to if CU4 or later is installed.
 You are prompted for the latest version of the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library management pack when you try to edit a new management pack in the Authoring Console in Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 after you install Cumulative Update 4 (CU4) or later versions.

Root cause : This issue occurs because new management packs that are imported or created automatically in Operations Manager 2007 R2 after you install Cumulative Update 4 or later versions have a dependency on the latest version of the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library management pack (The latest version of the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library management pack may be version 6.1.7221.61 or a later version).

Resolution :To resolve this issue, download the latest version of the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library management pack from the Microsoft Download Center, then extract the management pack and copy it to the following folder:%ProgramFiles%\System Center MP Authoring Console 2007
The next time that you use the Authoring Console to edit a new management pack, you will not be prompted for the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library management pack.

For more information please read the microsoft web page http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2590414

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[SCOM 2007] Reducing calls to the Operations Database - Operation Manager Console Tuning

I've very slow performance with the Operation Manager Console and after some searches, I saw that we can change the default configuration of the automatic polling to the Opsmgr DB made by the console.

By default, the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\console\CacheParameters\PollingInterval registry key is set to 1 - That means that console will poll every 15 seconds the Operation Manager DB. If you use multiple consoles, that can negatively impact performance. 

For best performance in large environments, you should turn off Polling by setting the key to 0 or increase it to at least level 5. (level 10 is the maximum level value)

Here are the different value
                 0 – Turn off console polling and only refresh when manually pressing F5
                 1 – Console will poll every 15 seconds (default)
                 2 – Console will poll ever 30 seconds
               10 – This is the maximum value – anything above 10 will be treated as 10

NOTE: The CacheParameters key did not exist by default in my environment. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\console\CacheParameters\EnableContextMenuTasks
defaults value is 0 in SP1. Re-enabled it by recreating the key could cause performance issues.

Launch console on machine in good shape - I mean in good shape having a lot of free disk space not fragmented + at least 1 Go of free memory. The best should be to exclude the path to the console from the antivirus. The last thing should be to limit the number of open consoles.
Local console cache path is Documents and Settings\<username>\local settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft.MOM.UI.Console

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Friday, January 27, 2012

[SQL & SCOM] List SCOM groups for a list of servers

SELECT TargetMonitoringObjectDisplayName, SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName AS 'Group'
FROM RelationshipGenericView
WHERE TargetMonitoringObjectDisplayName in ('MyServerFullName',
AND (SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName IN
(SELECT ManagedEntityGenericView.DisplayName
FROM ManagedEntityGenericView INNER JOIN
(SELECT BaseManagedEntityId
FROM BaseManagedEntity WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE (BaseManagedEntityId = TopLevelHostEntityId) AND (BaseManagedEntityId NOT IN
(SELECT R.TargetEntityId
dbo.fn_ContainmentRelationshipTypes() AS CRT ON R.RelationshipTypeId = CRT.RelationshipTypeId
WHERE (R.IsDeleted = 0)))) AS GetTopLevelEntities ON
GetTopLevelEntities.BaseManagedEntityId = ManagedEntityGenericView.Id INNER JOIN
(SELECT DISTINCT BaseManagedEntityId
FROM TypedManagedEntity WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE (ManagedTypeId IN
(SELECT DerivedManagedTypeId
FROM dbo.fn_DerivedManagedTypes(dbo.fn_ManagedTypeId_Group()) AS fn_DerivedManagedTypes_1))) AS GetOnlyGroups ON
GetOnlyGroups.BaseManagedEntityId = ManagedEntityGenericView.Id))
ORDER BY 'Group'

Result will be like :

MyServerFullName1agent group
MyServerFullNameagent group
MyServerFullName1Agent Managed Computer Group
MyServerFullNameAgent Managed Computer Group
MyServerFullName1All Windows Computers
MyServerFullNameAll Windows Computers
MyServerFullName1IIS 2003 Computer Group
MyServerFullNameIIS 2003 Computer Group
MyServerFullName1IIS Computer Group
MyServerFullNameIIS Computer Group
MyServerFullName1Windows Server 2003 Computer Group
MyServerFullNameWindows Server 2003 Computer Group
MyServerFullName1Windows Server Computer Group
MyServerFullNameWindows Server Computer Group
MyServerFullName1Windows Server Instances Group
MyServerFullNameWindows Server Instances Group

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System Center Operations Manager 2007 usefull SQL Queries

I will try to often update this post with the SQLqueries I've found or developped for specific report needs.

Last update : 2012/03/07

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[SQL & SCOM] Retrieve discovered inventory for a class from OperationManager DB

Retrieve table used (and view) used to store the informations for your class

select TypeName, ManagedTypeTableName, ManagedTypeViewName, IsDeleted  from ManagedType
where TypeName LIKE 'MyClassName'

Result will be like :


Discovered inventory can be also retrieved by using the view :

select * from MTV_CLS1_N

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

[Powershell] Get Rules informations and Monitors informations for a spécified MP in SCOM

Here is a short powershell function that create 2 CVS files. One with Rules informations and an other one for Monitors information for a specified MP :
  1. Function RetrieveIDs()
  2. {
  3. Param ([String] $MPName, [String]$Path)
  4. If ($Path -eq "") { $Path=("C:\Temp") }
  5. $MonitorsFile = $Path + "\MonitorsIds.csv"
  6. $RulesFile = $Path + "\RulesIds.csv"
  7. "Files MonitorsIds.csv & RulesIds.csv will be generated in : " + $Path
  8. If ($MPName -eq "") { $MPName=(Read-Host "Enter a Management Pack Name ") }
  9. $mp=Get-ManagementPack | where {$_.name -eq $MPName}
  10. if ($mp -eq $null) {
  11.       "The ManagementPack you have put in argument is incorrect or not found"
  12.       "Here is a list of available MP:"
  13.       Get-ManagementPack | sort -property Name | ft Name
  14.       break
  15.       }
  16. $mp.Getmonitors() | select DisplayName, XMLTag,Category,Name,id, @{name="Description";expression={foreach-object {$_.Description -replace "\n","-"}}}  | export-csv -noTypeInformation -path $MonitorsFile
  17. $mp.Getrules() | select DisplayName,  XMLTag,Category,Name,id, @{name="Description";expression={foreach-object {$_.Description -replace "\n","-"}}} | export-csv -noTypeInformation -path $RulesFile
  18. }
3 ways to use the function :
  •  Just launch the command with no parameter:
PS Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Client\OperationsManagerMonitoring::> retrieveIDs

No cvs files will be created since no MP Name is given. The output of the script will be the list of available MP.

  • Launch the command with 1 parameter that should be a MP Name:
PS Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Client\OperationsManagerMonitoring::> retrieveIDs MyMPName

The cvs files MonitorsIds.csv & RulesIds.csv will be created in the default folder that is C:\Temp. You will retrieve information for the rules and monitors for the MyMPName MP.

  • Launch the command with 2 parameter that should be a MP Name and the path where to create the files :
PS Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Client\OperationsManagerMonitoring::> retrieveIDs MyMPName C:\MyPath

The cvs files MonitorsIds.csv & RulesIds.csv will be created in the C:\MyPath folder. You will retrieve information for the rules and monitors for the MyMPName MP.

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Agent Health Tips and Fixes for System Center Operations Manager 2007

Article ID: 2616936 - January 16, 2012 - Revision: 6.1 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2616936

This article is intended to give some tips on fixes and changes for System Center Operations Manager 2007 (OpsMgr) Agent Health. There are a variety of hotfixes and registry keys listed so please be aware that these are things that may not be noticed in your environment directly but might be causing issues that you are not aware of. If you are having an issue with agents in a grey state these fixes may help, if they do not see the following: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2288515

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Supported Configurations for System Center 2012 - Operations Manager - Updated: January 23, 2012

Applies To: System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager Release Candidate
[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]
This document provides information about the supported operating systems, hardware configurations, software requirements, installation combinations, and security configurations for System Center 2012 – Operations Manager. This document focuses on the supported configurations and only mentions unsupported configurations when necessary. If operating systems, hardware configurations, software requirements, installation combinations, and security configurations are not presented here, they have not been tested and are not supported.
The Prerequisites checker is no longer a separate option in Setup. However, you can begin the installation process to check the hardware and software prerequisites, and then cancel installation after the required prerequisites have been determined.
We recommend that you also review the key concepts of Operations Manager. Areas to review include the following documents:
  • The Operations Manager Release Notes identify any changes that could affect planning for a new deployment of System Center 2012 – Operations Manager.
  • The System Center 2012 – Operations Manager Deployment Guide provides detailed information about the security-related features and settings in Operations Manager that can affect your deployment.
This document contains the following sections:

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System Center 2012 Licensing Datasheet

Licensing : Find licensing and pricing details in the downloadable datasheet

System Center 2012 Server Management Licensing
System Center 2012 server management licensing dramatically simplifies how you purchase the management capabilities you need to get the most from your private cloud. The System Center 2012 server management solution is offered in two editions: Standard and Datacenter. Both editions include all the System Center features and capabilities you need to manage your private cloud. Editions are differentiated only by virtualization rights. Simply choose the appropriate edition for each server you want to manage and start taking advantage of the capabilities you need to accomplish your goals.

*VMs are equivalent to managed operating system environments (OSEs).

System Center 2012 Client Management Licensing
System Center 2012 client management licensing provides simple, cost-effective options to manage and protect client systems. Customers can purchase individual client management licenses for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection, and System Center 2012 Client Management Suite. Configuration Manager and Endpoint Protection are also licensed as part of the Core CAL suite, and Client Management Suite is available as part of the Enterprise CAL suite.

Figure 2: Client Management License Options


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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Don't Miss MMS 2012 !


About MMS

The Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) is your opportunity to gain expertise through deep technical training, hands-on learning, and valuable interaction with your peers and industry leaders.
MMS cuts through the marketing noise so you can learn the latest desktop and device management, datacenter and cloud technologies to help you solve today’s challenges. From keynotes to sessions to hands-on labs, certification opportunities, and face-to-face access to Microsoft and industry experts, MMS provides a “can’t-miss” opportunity to be among the first to learn about new technologies.

Why You Won’t Want to Miss It

Intensive week of technical training
  • MMS delivers the deepest level of technical training offered by Microsoft with hundreds of learning opportunities
  • In addition to hearing from Microsoft, you'll learn about best practices from your peers and pioneers in client and device management, datacenter, and cloud technologies with an extensive line up of technical experts

You’ll be first to test drive new products and solutions
  • At MMS you will be the first to preview upcoming product releases
  • You’ll also gain free access to valuable trial software
  • Over 50 technology companies will be exhibiting their latest innovations and technology solutions

You’ll learn how to accelerate your career
  • MMS helps you be successful with Microsoft's industry-recognized certification opportunities
  • MMS serves up career insights from industry experts that can help you advance your career

You’ll experience the power of community
  • Build lasting relationships your peers and industry-leading experts in an environment designed to foster the exchange of ideas
  • Connect one-on-one or in groups with structured and unstructured networking opportunities througout the event
  • Experience the fun side of technology events with cool social functions

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

[Powershell] Configure Failover Management Server on SCOM Agent with Powershell

Here are some powershell command line you can use to configure failover on SCOM agent like this :

  1. # First retrieve information on the management servers
  2. $managementservers = get-managementserver
  3. $GTWServer1 = $managementservers | where {$_.Name -eq "GTWServer1.domain"};
  4. $GTWServer2 = $managementservers | where {$_.Name -eq "GTWServer2.domain"};
  5. # Settting up the failover between agents and Gateways
  6. Get-Agent -ManagementServer $GTWServer1 | foreach {set-managementserver -agentmanagedcomputer $_ -primarymanagementserver $GTWServer1 -failoverserver $GTWServer2 }
  7. Get-Agent -ManagementServer $GTWServer2 | foreach {set-managementserver -agentmanagedcomputer $_ -primarymanagementserver $GTWServer2 -failoverserver $GTWServer1 }

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Microsoft Tech Days - 7,8 & 9 february 2012

Don't forget the Microsoft Tech Days in France - on february 2012 the 7,8 and 9 !


Located in Paris : Palais des congrès de Paris
Porte Maillot – 75017 Paris
Tel : 01 40 68 22 22 / palaisdescongres-paris.com

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SCOM 2012 Servers sizing for a small SCOM 2007 new deployment

For my own job, I've to create a new SCOM 2007 infrastructure (less than 250 servers to monitor - 120 servers in the same domain - 120 servers in 10 others domains).

I've also define 2 screnarios according to the Microsoft recommendations.

  • scenario given by Microsoft – small deployment

HW Mini required

Role: Root Management Server• 2 disk RAID 1
• 4 GB RAM
• Dual Proc

Role: Operations Database Server,  & Operations Data Warehouse Server (w/ SRS & Web Console Server)• 6 disk RAID 10 (147GB)
• 4 GB RAM
• Dual Proc

  • More secure scenario
The idea is to have a secure infrastructure for all monitored servers and a SCOM 2012 compliantcyto be sure if one day we have to migrate to SCOM 2012 - no new server will be needed.

So here is the minimal requisite for a small SCOM 2012 infrastructure (Minimal Hardware is given since we don't have a the moment any Microsoft recommandations):

and here is a more secure Topology Diagram :

SQL DB/DW on a cluster
SQL reporting server on the passive node since cluster is not supported
Servers outside the domain 1 will be linked to MS + RMS (failover) by using certificate
Servers in Domain 1 will be attached to 2 gateways (one for failover)
Console will be installed on a management server

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Friday, January 13, 2012

TechNet Virtual Lab: System Center Operations Manager 2012: Infrastructure and Application Performance Monitoring

Microsoft Virtual Lab on SCOM 2012 is available


Deploying the infrastructure for a private cloud is just the first step. Once it’s in place, IT administrators have to monitor those resources to ensure that the infrastructure SLAs are met, quickly find the causes for any problems, and plan for future growth.

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[OpsMgr 2007 R2][Powershell] Get Alerts for all specified SCOM MP using powershell in Operation Manager 2007 R2

Here is a short powershell script you can use to retrieve alerts froml a specified SCOM MP using powershell.

  1. $mp = Get-ManagementPack -name 'MPName'
  2. # Criteria       : All alerts, raw and processed descriptions.
  3. # Output to      : File (c:\temp\output\Alerts-all.csv)
  4. # Fields Selected: Lots.
  5. # Output Format  : CSV
  6. # Notes          : Need more work on this.
  7. $alerts_csv = "C:\MPName.csv";
  8. write-host "Exporting all alerts to csv: ",$alerts_csv;
  9. Get-Alert | select-object @{Name = '%'; expression ={$_.MonitoringObjectDisplayName}},Severity, Name, ResolutionState, RepeatCount,@{Name = 'Instances'; expression ={$_.RepeatCount+1}},@{Name = 'Created'; expression =
  10. {$_.TimeRaised.ToLocalTime()}},@{Name = 'Description (Processed)';Expression = {$_.Description  -replace "`n"," " -replace " "," "}},MonitoringObjectFullName, IsMonitorAlert,Id,MonitoringRuleId,MonitoringClassId,Description | sort Name | export-csv $alerts_csv -noTypeInformation;
 Replace MPName in red by the your MP Name. Il will export all alerts in a CSV file.

An updated version for Operations Manager 2012 has been published >>>>>>>>>> here <<<<<<<<<<

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[Powershell] Get Rules information or Monitors information for all MP in SCOM

Here is a short powershell command to list in a .CSV file Rules information for all SCOM MP using a powershell script :

Get Rules Informations :
  1. get-rule | select-object @{Name="MP";Expression={ foreach-object {$_.GetManagementPack().DisplayName }}}, @{Name="MP Version";Expression={ foreach-object {$_.GetManagementPack().Version }}}, Name, DisplayName, XmlTag, Enabled, Category |
    sort-object -property MP | export-csv "C:\Allrules-MyMgtGroupName.csv"
Get Monitors Informations :
  1. get-monitor | select-object @{Name="MP";Expression={ foreach-object {$_.GetManagementPack().DisplayName }}}, @{Name="MP Version";Expression={ foreach-object {$_.GetManagementPack().Version }}}, Name, DisplayName, XmlTag, Enabled, Category, Configuration  | Sort-object -property MP | export-csv "C:\AllMonitors-MyMgtGroupName.csv"
 With the same way, you can imagine listing all classes for all MP : see http://tetris38.blogspot.com/2012/01/powershell-get-classes-information-for.html

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[Powershell] Get classes information for all MP in SCOM

Here is a short powershell command to list in a .CSV file all classes information for all SCOM MP using a powershell script :

  1. get-monitoringclass | select-object @{Name="MP";Expression={ foreach-object {$_.GetManagementPack().DisplayName }}}, @{Name="MP Version";Expression={ foreach-object {$_.GetManagementPack().Version }}}, Name, DisplayName, Id, Abstract, Accessibility, Base, Comment, Description, Hosted, LanguageCode, LastModified, ManagementGroup, ManagementGroupId, PropertyCollection, Singleton, Status, TimeAdded, XmlTag  |  sort-object -property MP | export-csv "C:\AllClasses-MyMgtGroupName.csv"

In my case this is usefull to determine what are the Name + ID for all classes for a specific MP to configure monitoring instructions in a tool.

With the same way you can export Rules and Monitors information for all your MP : http://tetris38.blogspot.com/2012/01/powershell-get-rules-information-or.html

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

@Laurent De Berti: What do you think about Microsoft Management Packs...

@Laurent De Berti: What do you think about Microsoft Management Packs...: There are many MPs which are delivered by Microsoft and to be found into many (if not all) SCOM environments. What is your personal experi...

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